Ambassador Ran GIDOR to "Caucasian Journal": "We’ve been spending too much time toasting each other"

16.06.2020 (Caucasian JournalToday Caucasian Journal has the honour to talk with the newly appointed Israeli ambassador to Georgia, Mr. Ran GIDOR.  Caucasian Journal's interview is reposted below by Diplomatic Caucasus.
Mr. Gidor is not a newcomer in Georgia: Being a career diplomat, he was appointed as deputy ambassador in Tbilisi (accredited to Georgia and Armenia) back in 1997. His subsequent experience included positions of Cultural and Academic attaché in Beijing, Political Counsellor in London, Director of UN Political Affairs Department, and Ambassador to Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Congo and Gabon.

Alexander KAFFKA, editor-in-chief of Caucasian JournalYour Excellency, welcome to Caucasian Journal, we thank you for attention to our readers. I know it became commonplace to talk about the coronavirus, but in your case I cannot help asking: How does it feel to start an Ambassador’s term in an unprecedented lockdown? I understand that just weeks after arrival in Tbilisi you found yourself isolated at home and unable to travel, being cut from essential parts of every diplomat’s work.

Ran GIDOR: Thank you, Alexander, for the opportunity to address your readers. Yes, you’re absolutely right, COVID-19 has “turned the tables” (so to speak…) on all our original work plans for 2020 and forced us to cancel virtually every major project in the pipeline. However, now we’re ‘regrouping’ and learning how to implement some new ideas in innovative and unconventional ways. As always, what starts as a threat or a disaster – can be turned into an opportunity, if we’re prepared to rise to the challenge.

Crisis in Georgia: Comments from diplomats and experts

Was the recent crisis in Georgia a surprise to you, or did you expect such developments sooner or later? How do you assess the reactions of Russia, the Georgian government, and the opposition? What are the expected broader international consequences? Diplomats and experts answered the questions of Caucasian Journal, reposted by Diplomatic Caucasus.

Lukas BEGLINGER, former Ambassador of Switzerland to Georgia:  

While the concrete events triggering the crisis were rather unexpected, the underlying political problems and issues have existed for many years, without being adequately addressed. In the Georgian context, it is not surprising that at some point, people - including „ordinary“ citizens - start to vent their irritation and frustration about major political problems remaining unresolved, even more so as economic and social conditions remain difficult as well.

Pierre Orloff bestowed with Honor of the Belgian Crown

On March 21 the Belgian community in Tbilisi, officials and friends bade farewell to Mr. Pierre Orloff as the Honorary Consul of Belgium to Georgia.

During more than 15 years Mr. Orloff was at the service of Belgium and its citizens.

Belgian Ambassador Bert Schoofs had the privilege to bestow upon Mr. Orloff the Knight's Cross of the Order of the Crown, which was awarded to him by His Majesty Philippe, King of the Belgians.

The ceremony at Tbilisi's Iota hotel was attended by representatives of the Belgian community, colleagues,  friends, and family members. Peter Mamradze, former member of Georgian Parliament, took the floor to outline the Count Orloff's outstanding services to Georgia. 

La Journée franco-allemande / den Deutsch-Französischen Tag

Commémoration en Géorgie de la Journée franco-allemande (22/01/2019)

Les Ambassades de France et d’Allemagne célèbreront le 22 janvier prochain, partout dans le
monde, la Journée franco-allemande. En Géorgie, l’Ambassadeur de France, S.E. M. Pascal
Meunier et son homologue allemand, S.E. M. Hubert Knirsch marqueront conjointement
ce moment important en se rendant ensemble à l’école française du Caucase ainsi qu’à l’école
allemande internationale de Tbilissi. Ces visites visent à manifester auprès du jeune public
l’importance de la réconciliation franco-allemande dans la relation entre les deux pays, mais
également son rôle dans l’histoire de la construction européenne et en faveur de la paix dans
le monde. Elles  sont également destinées à mieux faire connaître les relations étroites dans
tous les domaines entre les représentations diplomatiques et culturelles des deux pays et les
projets  portés  conjointement  par  elles  au  service  de  la  Géorgie  en  tant  que  membre  du
Partenariat oriental.    

La Journée franco-allemande, célébrée chaque année, commémore la signature, le 22 janvier
1963, du Traité sur la coopération franco-allemande, dit Traité de l’Elysée, entre le Général
Charles de Gaulle, Président de la République française et Konrad Adenauer, Chancelier de la
République fédérale d’Allemagne.

Le Traité de l’Elysée va être complété par le Traité d’Aix-la-Chapelle, signé ce 22 janvier
2019,  qui  vise  à  l’adapter  aux  enjeux  contemporains,  à  poursuivre  le  rapprochement  des
sociétés française et allemande et à renforcer le rôle des parlements dans la relation franco-

Ambassador Lukas BEGLINGER: Our decision to stay in Georgia reflects optimistic view of its perspectives and continued support to Georgian people

18.12.2018. For a professional diplomat, His Excellency Ambassador Lukas BEGLINGER has made a very unusual career twist. At a recent farewell reception in Tbilisi, he announced that he opted for early retirement from the Swiss diplomatic service. 

The reason why he left a prestigious government job is that he and his wife decided to stay in Georgia, and to focus on something completely new – the Georgian wine export.

In an exclusive interview, Mr. Beglinger answered our questions, uncovering what motivated him to trade a comfortable ambassadorial position for a somewhat unpredictable private entrepreneurial venture.

Alexander Kaffka, publisher of Hvino News and Diplomatic CaucasusDear Lukas, thank you for your time. Formally, you are not an official anymore. But, in the eyes of many people, you will remain a very influential figure for many years to come. A decision such as this one must have a political dimension, especially now in the aftermath of presidential elections. It sends a strong message, confirming a high level of internal stability of Georgia, supporting the positive image of the country. Do you agree, and is this part of your intention?

Lukas Beglinger: My early retirement from the diplomatic career was motivated by purely private, personal considerations, and so was my and my wife's wish to stay in Georgia. Of course, we would not have taken such a decision in the absence of sufficiently stable and favorable conditions in Georgia. In this sense, our decision reflects our optimistic view of Georgia's perspectives and our intention to continue supporting the Georgian people on their path towards a better life and increased prosperity.

AK: My next question is not why, but when. When was the first time the idea of remaining in Georgia came to your mind? Perhaps there was some event, or a meeting with someone, which became a cornerstone affecting your decision?

LB: The idea of remaining in Georgia coincided with my decision to retire from the diplomatic service, roughly a year ago. It was motivated by our desire to get to know the country, its various regions and its people more thoroughly, and to engage in new activities which are close to our hearts and personal interests, in particular Georgian wine and other unique products, as well as mountaineering.  Thankfully, my wife is as much interested in wine as I, and in addition, she is an expert in marketing, which facilitated our decision to jointly launch a wine export business. Many of our friends who are active and knowledgeable in those areas encouraged us to pursue our plans.

AK: Did you always want to become a diplomat? Have you ever thought about winemaking in earlier years?

KfW Entwicklungsbank zeichnet Finanzierungsverträge in Höhe von 193 Mio. € im Rahmen des Besuchs von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel

Im Rahmen des Besuchs der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin in Tiflis hat die KfW Entwicklungsbank heute im Beisein einer hochrangigen Wirtschaftsdelegation aus Deutschland unter Leitung von Thomas Bareiß, Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär beim Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Energie zwei neue Finanzierungsverträge unterschrieben. Auf georgischer Seite nahmen Finanzminister Iwane Matschawariani und weitere Regierungsvertreter an der Unterzeichnungszeremonie teil.

Die KfW stellt im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit (BMZ) einen Förderkredit in Höhe von 150 Mio. EUR für den Bau des ersten unterirdischen Gasspeichers in Georgien zur Verfügung. Die Investitionssumme des gesamten Projekts beläuft sich auf 220-250 Mio. EUR und wird neben der KfW von der Europäischen Investitionsbank (EIB) und der staatlichen Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation (GOGC) getragen. Die Kapazität des zukünftigen Gasspeichers nahe der Hauptstadt Tiflis wird bei rund 400 Mio. Kubikmetern liegen und entspricht somit 10-15 % des jährlichen Gasverbrauchs in Georgien. Das Vorhaben trägt zur Verringerung der Abhängigkeit von Gasimporten aus den Nachbarländern bei. Die Maßnahme erfolgt im Rahmen des EU-Assoziierungsabkommens als Anforderung an die georgische Regierung, landeseigene Gasspeichermöglichkeiten zu schaffen.

Darüber hinaus hat die KfW im Auftrag des BMZ heute ebenso ein Darlehen in Höhe von 40 Mio. EUR sowie eine Begleitmaßnahme (Zuschuss von 3 Mio. EUR) mit der georgischen Regierung unterschrieben, welches die Wasserversorgungs- und Entsorgungsinfrastruktur in der Autonomen Republik Adjarien verbessern soll. Das Vorhaben wird mit Zuschuss-Mitteln der Europäischen Union in Höhe von 7 Mio. EUR kofinanziert. Rund 215.000 Menschen in den semi-urbanen und ländlichen Gebieten Adjariens sollen von den Maßnahmen profitieren.

“Serving as Turkish Ambassador in Tbilisi is a pleasant experience”

Interview of  H.E. Fatma Ceren Yazgan, Turkish Ambassador to Georgia

The FINANCIAL -- Q. How have economic relations between our two countries changed over the past five years? And in your opinion has there been anything specific of note between the countries in these five years?

A. When you ask me about the past five years, I think it’s actually a 25-year journey and it will be an endless story. We are two neighbouring countries with deep historical links; as well as shared social and cultural interaction. For the last twenty five years the biggest change has been that we now have very structured economic relations. When Georgia gained its independence and then Turkey rediscovered Georgia and the Georgian people, opportunity became where business people see it themselves. The governments were late in responding to many issues, so I think that particularly in these past five years strategic relations have been crowned by not only bilateral investments and trade relations but also the giant projects which Turkey and Georgia, as well as our neighbour Azerbaijan, are involved in. These are projects which have been on the agenda for fifteen years and are now bearing their fruits and I think we are seeing how solid these projects always were. So there is a great future in terms of big infrastructural projects bilaterally as well as regionally.

International qvevri wines tasting hosted by Swiss Embassy in Tbilisi

Amédée Mathier
30.03.2018 (Hvino News). Amédée Mathier - one of the best known pioneers of qvevri wine making outside Georgia - showcased his product along with other Georgian and foreign wines produced with the use of Georgian traditional method or other "qvevri-like" technologies, at a recent event hosted by Swiss Ambassador H.E. Lukas Beglinger in Tbilisi.

The wine tasting, organized at the Ambassador's residence, focused at the growing international popularity of Georgian winemaking method, and the need of clear definition of terms such as organic, natural, and traditional.

In his presentation, Mr. Mathier raised the question of the necessity of formalization of requirements and rules of qvevri wine production. He summarized qvevri experience at his family-owned winery in Salgesch, Switzerland, since first installation in 2009.

Lancement officiel des journées de la Francophonie 2018

A l’occasion du lancement des journées de la Francophonie, une conférence de presse s’est tenue le 6 mars 2018 à la Maison des écrivains avec la participation de M. Pascal Meunier, Ambassadeur de France en Géorgie, M. Lukas Beglinger, Ambassadeur de Suisse en Géorgie, M. Radu-Liviu Horumba, Ambassadeur de Roumanie en Géorgie et M. Jean-Yves Lavoir, conseiller de coopération et d’action culturelle de l’Ambassade de France.

Le 20 mars, la Journée Internationale de la Francophonie, est célébrée dans le monde entier et la Géorgie, en tant que membre observateur de l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, s’y joint, bien évidemment.

Lors de la conférence de presse, les ambassadeurs sont revenus sur l’utilité de la langue française dans le monde entier et ont présenté le programme du mois de la francophonie en Géorgie à travers de nombreux évènements culturels, universitaires etc. M. Pascal Meunier a profité de l’occasion pour remercier les amis francophones présents en Géorgie qui se sont associés cette année au mois de la Francophonie. Il s’agit notamment de la Suisse, de la Roumanie et du Canada.

Cette année encore, ce sera l’occasion de découvrir et redécouvrir la Francophonie et la culture francophone à travers de nombreux évènements organisés non seulement à Tbilissi, mais aussi à Koutaïssi, à Batoumi, à Zougdidi et à Patardzéouli.

Retrouvez le programme détaillé du mois de la Francophonie et réservez dès à présent votre rendez-vous préféré.

US Ambassador Kelly’s Farewell Speech

22.02.2018. Thank you. It’s great to be here. I would like to thank GFSIS for hosting this event and would like to welcome …

As some of you know, I will be retiring from the Foreign Service after 33 years at the end of March. This also means that I will, with great regret, be ending my Ambassadorship here after nearly three years. From here I will go to Chicago to teach at Northwestern University. I begin in early April. While I’m excited about the position, I’m not sure why I gave myself such a small break! I will draw heavily on my time here to teach the next generation about the history and politics of the post-Soviet space. Let’s hope they listen.

But I want to take this time with you to reflect on my experience here and talk a little bit about where our bilateral relationship is going. As most of you know, Georgia is a country that is very close to my heart, and a place that I will never really say goodbye to.

Heads of diplomatic missions in Tbilisi judged wines at Saperavi World Prize 2017 tasting

Wines of best-known Georgian variety from all over the world are judged in Georgia for the first time. The Jury included Ambassador of Switzerland H.E. Lukas BEGLINGER and Head of NATO Mission in Georgia H.E. William LAHUESaperavi World Prize 2017 tasting was held on December 15th in Tbilisi, on the premises of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Georgia).
Saperavi World Prize 2017 (“SapPrize”) is the new international wine contest in Georgia, which brings together the wines from winemakers from around the world who use the Saperavi variety.  Saperavi is a grape variety native to Georgia, which is becoming increasingly popular with winemakers around the world. 

French Ambassador on Franco-Georgian relations

17.11.2017. Next year, Georgia is to mark the 100th anniversary of its first independence, which France was the first to acknowledge. Georgia Today met with H.E. Pascal Meunier, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Georgia, to discuss the fields of bilateral cooperation between the two countries today.

Tell us about your time here so far

Georgia is a very beautiful country. Everybody recognizes it. French people like Georgia very much. As a testimony of this, a lot of French who came here, including businessmen, decided to establish themselves in Georgia and are very happy here. My predecessor ambassadors are always happy to come back and visit. The first reason why we like Georgia is the hospitality of the people, good food and good wine. Even those foreigners who just come for a few days want to stay here longer. In addition, Georgia is a beautiful country from both cultural and geographical points of view.

I also like the business environment. I personally like to develop concrete projects and in Georgia, there are a lot of things happening with France, because we have strong political relationships, demonstrated by a lot of visits and a constant and firm support for Georgia’s integrity. Our economic and cultural relationships are also tight, but didn’t reach the level we would like them to be at. We are attracting French companies to invest in Georgia, or to take part in different projects. In the cultural and education fields, we try to attract cooperation between peoples and universities.

French Ambassador: We stand beside Georgia

On October 27, the French Embassy in Georgia and Georgia’s French Institute held a concert dedicated to the creativity of Olivier Messiaen to mark the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between France and Georgia. The Georgian ensemble of modern music, ‘Georgia Modern,’ and Rezo Kiknadze, Rector of the Tbilisi State Conservatoire, were the performers in the big hall of the aforementioned premises.

The meeting was opened by the greeting speech of Ambassador of France to Georgia, H.E. Pascal Meunier, followed by those of the Foreign Minister Mikheil Janelidze and the Tbilisi Conservatoire Rector. The Ambassador noted that there have always been special relations between the two countries. He mentioned Alexander Dumas, from whose texts about Georgia many other writers and travelers from France became interested in discovering this country, and who themselves went on to share numerous positive impressions as a result of their visits to Georgia.

“Georgia has overcome many difficulties in its history, but it has never stopped fighting for freedom,” he said, adding that Georgia’s aspiration to the free and democratic world has always been obvious, and was awarded by the Associated Agreement in 2014 and visa-free regime with the EU last spring.

Deutsche Verteidigungsministerin Dr. Ursula von der Leyen besucht Tiflis

Am 05. Oktober besucht die deutsche Verteidigungsministerin Dr. Ursula von der Leyen auf Einladung ihres georgischen Amtskollegen, Verteidigungsminister Levan Isoria, Tiflis. Nach einem Empfang mit militärischen Ehren im georgischen Verteidigungsministerium wird sie sich mit Minister Isoria über die weitere Vertiefung der deutsch-georgischen militärischen Kooperation, insbesondere den gemeinsamen Einsatz in Afghanistan, austauschen.

Im Anschluss wird sie am Ehrenmal für die Gefallenen aus Krieg und Einsatz am Heldenplatz einen Kranz niederlegen, bevor sie ein Gespräch mit Premierminister Kwirikaschwili führt.

Danach wird sie die Defence Institution Building School (DIB-S) an der Chonkadze Straße besuchen und sich dort in den weiteren Fortschritt einweisen lassen. Die DIB-S ist eines der 15 Projekte aus dem Substantial NATO Georgia Package, das maßgeblich von Deutschland unterstützt wird. Deutschland stellt nicht nur den Projektleiter, sondern hat den erfolgreichen Aufbau der DIB-S mittlerweile mit 740.000 € wesentlich sichergestellt.

Nach dem Gespräch mit Verteidigungsminister Isoria ist ein gemeinsames Pressestatement im Verteidigungsministerium, General Kvinitadze Straße, vorgesehen. Weitere Informationen hierzu können von der Presseabteilung des Verteidigungsministeriums, Frau Thea Chonishvili (577 19 00 87), erfragt werden.

Camera Obscura: Berlin x Tbilisi - Ein Kulturfestival der Freundschaft!

Vom 19.- 23. September 2017 findet in Georgiens Hauptstadt Tiflis ein besonderes Kulturfestival statt, das anlässlich des Deutsch-Georgischen Jahres 2017 ins Leben gerufen und mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Botschaft ermöglicht wurde. Das Festival stellt diverse Kunstformen in verschiedenen Facetten vor: Fotografie, Malerei, Film, Architektur und Musik.

Hierzu kommen namhafte Künstler aus Deutschland nach Georgien, um Ihre Werke zu präsentieren und sich mit ihren georgischen Kollegen auszutauschen. 

Das Festival steht unter dem Namen „Camera Obscura“, wovon sich jeder sein eigenes, individuelles Bild machen kann.

Für die Eröffnung am Dienstag, den 19. September, konnte die berühmte Fotografin und Schauspielerin Margarita Broich gewonnen werden, die im Innenhof des Café Littera eine Auswahl ihrer Fotoausstellung „Wenn der Vorhang fällt“ präsentiert.

Am Mittwoch gibt es ein klassisches Sinfoniekonzert mit dem Georgian Sinfonietta Orchester unter der Leitung von Christoph Gedschold. Solist bei Haydns Cellokonzert in C-Dur ist der namhafte Cellist und Professor Jens Peter Maintz. Dazu wird der Maler Flavio de Marco Zeichnungen präsentieren, welche speziell zu diesem Anlass entstanden und an die Musik des Konzertprogramms angepasst sind.

British Embassy Tbilisi hosts colloquium celebrating 25 years since re-establishment of UK Georgia diplomatic relations

British Embassy Tbilisi and Economic Policy Research Center are hosting an expert colloquium celebrating 25 years since the re-establishment of UK Georgia diplomatic relations, discussing our past, present and future cooperation. The colloquium brings together prominent British and Georgian experts who will review UK-Georgia relations and identify options for the future cooperation in political, security, business, educational, cultural and other sectors. Date: 12 September, location: Rooms Hotel, Tbilisi.

Deutsche DEG finanziert Modernisierung der Wasserversorgung in Tiflis

15.08.2017. Die Deutsche Investitions – und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (DEG), eine Tochtergesellschaft der KfW Entwicklungsbank, unterzeichnen heute einen Finanzierungsvertrag über umgerechnet 25 Mio. € mit der Georgian Water and Power (GWP). Die 2008 privatisierte GWP ist der Wasserversorger und Betreiber der Abwasserentsorgung im Großraum Tiflis. Zusammen mit der niederländischen FMO Entrepreneurial Development Bank (40 Mio US$) wird der GWP damit langfristige Finanzierung für die Rehabilitierung und Modernisierung der Gardabani Kläranlage, zur Verbesserung der Wasserversorgungsinfrastruktur und für den Bau des Bodorna Wasserkraftwerks zur Verfügung gestellt.

Mit diesem Projekt trägt die DEG zur Verbesserung der Qualität und Verlässlichkeit der Wasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung in Tiflis bei. Neben besonders attraktiven Finanzierungsmodalitäten wird GWP auch darin unterstützt, die hohen DEG Umweltstandards und EU Emissionsstandards für Abwasserentsorgungsanlagen einzuhalten. Diese Verbesserungen werden damit allen Bewohnerinnen und Bewohnern in Tiflis zugutekommen.

Bei der Unterzeichnung der Verträge werden u.a. Vizepremier und Wirtschaftsminister Dimitri Kumsishvili, der Bürgermeister von Tiflis, David Narmania, und Vertreter der niederländischen und deutschen Botschaften als Gäste erwartet.

Press release

US ambassador highlights importance of Georgian region predominantly populated by Azerbaijanis

US Ambassador to Georgia Ian Kelly said on Monday that his country places high importance on Georgia’s Kvemo Kartli region.

“The successful development of this region which is home to three major ethnic groups of the South Caucasus is highly important to the United States. Kvemo Kartli is a region where USAID is carrying out various investment projects. We also offer some grants to the local media,” the US diplomat said during a meeting with Merab Topchishvili, head of Marneuli district’s executive authority.

Topchishvili noted that he discussed with the US ambassador the region’s role in Georgia’s development, as well as social and economic processes going on in the region.

“One of the themes of our discussions was Marneuli’s tourism potential. Inhabited by various peoples, Marneuli district may be attractive to tourists, who can visit the district and its villages and gain a fresh insight into the cultures of the Azerbaijani, Armenian, and Georgian families,” the diplomat said.

Ambassador Justin McKenzie Smith sets out UK priorities in Georgia in 2017 (video)

23.06.2017. This week Her Majesty The Queen opened the session of the Parliament and delivered the Queen's Speech.In this video British Ambassador to Georgia Justin McKenzie Smith talks about the UK's priorities for Georgia in 2017.

These are:
1. Reinforcing our support for Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, it's ambitious reform programme and joint efforts to tackle security threats
2. Increasing trade with the support of the new direct flights between Britain and Georgia
3. Supporting growing links between our societies, for example in education, in sport and in tourism.

French Ambassador to Georgia commented MoU with Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi

23.06.2017. As part of its commitment to expand the French higher education system on a regional and international level and to attract students from all around the world, Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi has signed an MoU with Grigol Robakidze University in Tbilisi. 

Professor Eric Fouache, Vice Chancellor at Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi and Professor Mamuka Tavkhelidze, Rector of Grigol Robakidze University signed the agreement in the presence of HE Pascal Meunier, French Ambassador to Georgia, HE Aleksandre Jejelava, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia and Dr. Fatima Al Shamsi, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs at Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi.

HE Pascal Meunier, French Ambassador to Georgia said: “The French embassy in Georgia has made university cooperation one of its top priorities. In collaboration with the Georgian authorities, our mission focuses on the development of French university courses relocated in the country. In this context, the opening of the foundation programme by Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi is excellent news since it is very successful in promoting the French higher education internationally. The presence of Sorbonne Abu Dhabi in Georgia will undoubtedly reinforce the influence of France in the education sector”.